

April showers bring May flowers...You wouldn't believe the heat wave this month.  Mom and I have been walking around the neighborhood.  I really like my Baby Bjorn carrier (but I'll like it even better when I get to face forward!)  I've had some great adventures - the library, to visit my other grandma in Ashland, Daddy's work, and shopping.  I like my swing a whole bunch now (Mom sure seems glad for some reason)  I'm sleeping better, cozied up in the family bed.  Dad and I usually spend the early mornings together (4:30am) reading the paper, having coffee and playing until its time for him to get ready for work. Mom gets some extra rest so she is nicer to everyone!  -ha ha!  The Easter bunny came, it snowed and the warm weather disappeared for a while. My brother, Kent, has been visiting me when he gets a break from college classes.  My sister, Pam, came up from Shelbyville to visit me along with my nieces, Greer and Ashton. My social graces are improving they say (lots of smiling and squealing).  I love to stand up on my feet while someone holds my hands.  My brother, Andy, used to like this, too when he was my age.  I'm "talking" alot - it's so boring just to cry all the time.  Oh, and I must be growing since I'm into 3-6 mo. clothes. Mom is sewing summer dresses for me and we are always on the lookout for something new and pretty.  No other news to report but if you want to check my progress just click on April Photos now! (Please be patient while they load)


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